All posts by “Anna Linder

Swedish Podcast About Queer Families

Mostly in Swedish so far: Familjepodden är en podcast om queera familjebildningar och föräldraskap utanför normen, skapad av Cal Orre och Zafire Vrba. Varje avsnitt utgår från samtal med olika personer som har gjort föräldraskap på icke-normativa sätt. Avsnitt 4. Queera familjer i film och… Read more

Symposium – Artistic research with impact

Welcome to the Symposium on Artistic Research on November 20th! During the last ten years the Swedish Research Council has financed more than 80 research projects within Artistic research. In what ways have these projects contributed to both the artistic research and other relevant fields?… Read more

Syster Nyckelbricka (Installation Borås)

SISTER – Medals

SISTER – Medals was made directly for the exhibition SISTER at Borås konstmuseum 2014. Here every Sister could participate and write their name at the tablet. SISTER, 16/10 2014 – 11/1 2015. Group exhibition: Sharon Hayes, Kajsa Dahlberg, Roxy Farhat, Bastion, EvaMarie Lindahl, Ditte Ejerskov,… Read more

Syster Nyckelbricka (unlimited edition)


2005, Key-rings A work for all sisters in the world. The key rings were created in connection with the opening for the film The Year of Sisterhood by Åsa Elzén and Sonia Hedstrand. The first two key-rings were given to the artists as a gift.… Read more