Queer Moving Images - Spermwhore


This short film is a queer, feminist and experimental work that began in 2009 and came to fruition in the spring of 2013. Spermwhore is a queer experimental film about unwanted childlessness in a world where normative heterosexual relationships dictate who can become parents and… Read more

House Of Words

House of Words – Session #5 QUEERNESS

House of Words (HoW) refers to “la Casa de la Palabra” – a traditional meeting place common in Equatorial Guinea and some African societies providing a hub for oral history, storytelling, performance, and ritual. GIBCA 2015’s HoW functions as a social platform for multidisciplinary discussion,… Read more

Queer kultur

Conference Queer culture 19–20 november Stockholm

Queer kultur, en konferens om hbtq-frågor inom kulturområdet på Scenkonstmuseet, Sjöhistoriska och Historiska museet den 19–20 november från Stockholm. Två välfyllda dagar 2014 presenterade regeringen en strategi för lika möjligheter och rättigheter för personer oavsett sexuell läggning, könsidentitet eller könsuttryck. Kulturrådet fick uppdraget att vara… Read more

YES! Association

YES! Association / Föreningen JA! (2005-2018) was an art collective, an artwork, an association, an art worker, an institution, a group of people working to overthrow the ruling system of heteronormative, patriarchal, racist, and capitalist power structures by putting into practice a structural redistribution of… Read more

High Heel Sisters

Between 2002 and 2007 Malin Arnell, Line Skywalker Karlström, Anna Linder and Karianne Stensland collaborated as the feminist performance and artists’ group High Heel Sisters. With a large dose of humour and a burning feminist zeal High Heel Sisters examined and took on many of… Read more

Mai Zetterling´s Stockholm

About a forgotten film by Mai Zetterling. The article was published in FLM June 4th 2015 (web). FLM Magazine number 31 – Mai Zetterling with a short version of the text. Only in Swedish: Den där dagen vi inte visste vad vi egentligen fann Anna… Read more